
Fake News Laments The Death Of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Enemy of the people indeed…

Sunday morning President Trump announced that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the murderous leader of ISIS, had been killed during a raid by US special forces in northwestern Syria. President Trump informed the American people that al-Baghdadi was killed after blowing himself up when he was cornered in a tunnel. Al-Baghdadi died like a dog and a coward to use President Trump’s very apt words.

The Fake News media didn’t like that one bit. They spent most of the day Sunday lamenting the death of a thug like al-Baghdadi.

No wonder we call them the enemy of the people.

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Written by Radius

Radius refuses to post a bio. Website bios simply serve to prop up the cis-gendered patriarchy of the manocentric maleocracy. Also we must #Resist Trump because racism I guess.

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