
Never Trumper Joe Walsh Mulls Presidential Bid

Never Trump’s last, desperate gasp…

Former Congressman, nationally syndicated radio host (according to his Twitter bio), and one-time Trump supporter Joe Walsh is reportedly mulling a primary challenge against President Trump:

Before his likely announcement, according to two people who have spoken with him, Mr. Walsh has hired a senior political adviser, organized meetings with high-profile Trump antagonists in New York City, and published an Op-Ed in The New York Times with the goal of previewing his campaign message.

Mr. Walsh has yet to definitively say whether he is running. “If I do it, it’s going to be before Labor Day,” he said in an interview.

Once an ardent and vocal critic of Hillary Clinton, Mr. Walsh said the breaking point for him came last year during Mr. Trump’s meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

“He lost me for good in Helsinki, when he stood in front of the world and said, ‘I believe Putin and I don’t believe my fellow Americans,’” Mr. Walsh said, framing a potential run as a moral imperative “to stick our necks out because when people see that, more and more people will.”

Mr. Walsh is being encouraged by William Kristol, the conservative writer and former editor of the now defunct magazine The Weekly Standard. Mr. Kristol has been a “Never Trump” Republican since Mr. Trump was elected in 2016 and has been working hard over the past year to recruit someone to run against him.

Joe Walsh used to be an ardent Trump supporter during the 2016 campaign. He even went so far as to threaten to fetch his musket if Trump lost the election.

Joe Walsh President Trump Hooty Hoo
Joe Walsh circa 2016.

Today, however, Joe Walsh-owned and operated by Never Trump Salem Media-is a staunch Never Trumper. Walsh has referred to President Trump in the past as a “racial arsonist.” He spends most of his time on Twitter posting pearls of folksy Never Trump wisdom.

Joe Walsh’s primary challenge stands precisely zero chance of succeeding. President Trump enjoys nearly record high approval ratings among Republicans. Internal polling has consistently showed him in the 90-95% range. Joe has said he’s hopeful he can peel off those voters that might be undecided about President Trump.

I’m sure Chet in Wichita, the only Republican who voted for Bill Kristol’s Evan McMullin, is simply salivating over the prospect of voting for a glorified Leftist Twitter troll.


Written by Radius

Radius refuses to post a bio. Website bios simply serve to prop up the cis-gendered patriarchy of the manocentric maleocracy. Also we must #Resist Trump because racism I guess.

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